Proudly supporting NAPCAN


Due to the amazing effort of all you RAVers during the 2020 Virtual Team Chalenge, we are thrilled to announce that we are able to partner and support the National Association for Prevention of Child abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN)

Our original goal was to raise enough funds for a nice donation of $25k, but due to your amazing efforts, our donation increased to a whopping donation of $75k and NAPCAN are now able to implement not one, but TWO game changing initiatives that will help with the prevention of family violence. 

NAPCAN has almost two decades experience in developing, delivering and adapting respectful relationships programs. Their Love Bites program is one of the longest-running and most popular programs across Australia, and has reached thousands and thousands of young people from urban to remote communities. Some of your children may have already had this program presented to them in their school. 

NAPCAN’s mission is simple: Support and encourage changes in individual and community behaviour to stop child abuse and neglect before it starts.  

 The level of impact that our investment will have will be measurable, broad reaching and have a huge impact in the prevention of Family Violence 

Over the coming months, we will be sharing more about NAPCAN and the amazing work they do as well as information on their Love Bites program.  

 So thank you again RAVers and we are hoping that you are gearing up and are ready to do it all again in August 2021. 

 For more information on NAPCAN and the Love Bites program, please visit the RAV website and read the press release.

RAV Admin